Lost Business Analysis
To assist clients with unraveling the complexity of lost business, S³ launched its Lost Business Analysis practice. This uniquely insightful service is designed to give companies uncensored, detailed and extensive intelligence about why they've lost business they've pitched or lost existing customers. Armed with this critical insight, our clients then make the necessary changes and improvements to their sales process or to their client management activities and achieve measurable results.

Many companies occasionally conduct de-brief sessions with prospective or former customers by asking their internal personnel to place a phone call or request a meeting about the circumstances related to losing business. Unfortunately, for many reasons, the information they're given is often thin and uninformative, and is frequently "sanitized" by the interviewee to avoid ill-will or uncomfortable conversations, rendering it essentially useless.

Additionally, when companies undertake this process themselves, they frequently leave out a key element of the review process by neglecting to collect insights from their own personnel, which, in combination with the prospect's feedback, can create an extremely informative and actionable post-mortem report.

S³'s Lost Business Analysis service utilizes deeply experienced sales analysts to conduct thorough, professional, objective interviews of everyone - inside your company and at the client/prospect company - who can contribute insight to the situation. The buyers we call on are dramatically more inclined to speak with us and give us the unvarnished, extraordinarily valuable information we seek because of our third party status.

S³'s approach ensures a high degree of compliance. When we interview company personnel, our analysts explain that their responses will be delivered anonymously and in aggregate with comments from other respondents, encouraging these key individuals to give us exceedingly candid feedback. The combined result is an extremely enlightening synopsis of what went wrong, why, and a set of cogent recommendations on how to avoid those same mistakes in the future.

Try our uniquely insightful Lost Business Analysis services today.
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