Sales Strategy
The sales strategy sets the direction by defining the revenue and market-share goals of a firm. Sł's Sales Strategy Assessment Services help clients ensure that their business objectives are clear, specific and achievable, and are aligned with their firm's overall strategic goals. Since many firms focus on more than one industry, line of business or market segment, Sł also helps clients ensure that each segment's strategy is harmonized with the others, delivering a cohesive and rational business direction. Whether the goal is market share growth, new market penetration, additional revenues from existing clients or the preservation of a leadership position in a given segment, Sł's Sales Strategy Development Services help clients answer critical questions and formalize their go-to-market plan. Typical Strategy projects focus on:
  • Opportunity Assessment - a thorough review and analysis of all potential buyer categories is developed, focusing on each category's business challenges, access to similar and competing services, buying patterns, budget characteristics, purchase triggers and motivations and purchase cycles. Discrete customer segments are then created and approximate segment values are scoped for each.

  • Opportunity Prioritization - Each customer segment is then ranked and prioritized according to overall revenue opportunity by ranking segment size, propensity to spend, and alignment with the type of services the client plans to offer.

  • Offering Mapping - a master list of services/product features available from the client is developed, and then mapped to each customer segment to identify the features that line up best with the top customer segments' needs and patterns.

  • Package Development - Groupings of detailed services/product packages are developed for each segment, combining in different quantities and weightings the various options. Each grouping is assessed by Sł and the client, and final product and packaging decisions can be made.

  • Sales Approach Development - as a result of the packaging decisions, Sł can then develop the sales approach strategy including the specific value proposition, sales process, sales messaging and prospecting strategy for each offering.

  • Sales Plan Development - A tactical execution plan is created to formalize detailed sales objectives, timelines, sales budgets, and staffing plans.
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